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Renewable Energy & Environmental Research in University College Cork & Opportunities for Collaboration

le 26 avril 2017


Salle du conseil, ENS Rennes

Intervention de Paul LEAHY, professeur invité à l'ENS Rennes (Lecture in Wind Energy, School of Engineering), University College Cork, Ireland.


Paul Leahy is Stokes Lecturer in Wind Energy at University College Cork. His research interests include:renewable energy particularly wind energy and energy storage, and impacts of extreme weather events on engineered systems. He has participated in EU projects such as “stoRE – facilitating renewables through energy storage", and leads a team of six Master’s and PhD students. He is principal investigator for the project “Tools for Attribution of Extreme Weather Events” funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency.

Cette conférence s'adresse essentiellement aux élèves du magistère Mécatronique mais elle est ouverte à tous ceux que le sujet intéresse de près ou de loin !

Diffusion des savoirs, Formation

Mise à jour le 24 avril 2017