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In silico in situ mechano-biological models to advance human bone tissue engineering

le 9 avril 2015


ENS Rennes, Salle du conseil

Intervention de Élisa Budyn, professeur des Universités (ENS Cachan - LMT), dans le cadre des séminaires du Magistère mécatronique.


Abstract :
Biological tissues are characterised by a complex and multi-functional architecture. Often highly hierarchical, nature’s constructions have optimal properties to efficiently respond to loading with minimal weight. Living tissues also adapt to mechanical stimuli that can be modified by hampered activity or pathology.  Biological tissues therefore constantly repair any micro defect upon its detection to resorb damage tissue and appose healthy tissue in the concerned region of the organ. Despite differences in mammal protein genetic encoding or transcription, cells often answer biological and mechanical cues by exocytosis of fibrous proteins forming the extracellular matrix of which the structure will depend on the cell microenvironment. One key to studies in mechanotransduction is the understanding on cells natural
in situ micro-environment.

Cette conférence s'adresse essentiellement aux magistériens du département Mécatronique, mais elle est ouverte à tous ceux que le sujet intéresse de près ou de loin !
Formation, Diffusion des savoirs

Mise à jour le 7 mars 2016