Label "Bienvenue en France" / "Welcome to France"
ENS Rennes is engaged in the labelling process by Campus France. The establishment was awarded the excellency label 'Bienvenue en France' in 2022 with 2 stars. ENS Rennes' quality of service for international students is thus recognised by this internationally recongised label.
What is the 'Bienvenue en France' label ?
The 'Bienvenue en France' label is one of the key axis of the national attractivity policy of French Higher Education institutions to International Students. It was created to encourage best practices within institutions of higher education and to guarantee the best possible welcome for international students. Its mission is to attest to the quality of the institutions and their facilities, to support international students and to promote higher education in France.
Under the first version of the Label (2019-2023), 151 institutions were awarded the label by 13 labeling commissions. 65% of international students studying in France are enrolled in a Bienvenue en France accredited institution.
Under the first version of the Label (2019-2023), 151 institutions were awarded the label by 13 labeling commissions. 65% of international students studying in France are enrolled in a Bienvenue en France accredited institution.
What are the criteras to receive this label ?
- The quality and accessibility of information
- Reception facilities and services
- Training offer
- Campus life and accommodation
- Following-up international students after graduation
- Commitment of the institution to social and environmental responsability
Mise à jour le 28 novembre 2023