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Interview with Wang Wei

My name is Wang Wei. I am 24 years old and I come from China. I am a master's student, studying in 2SEP.

photo wei wong


Why did you choose ENS Rennes ?

ENS Rennes is a very good school, especially in sports science. ENS has very professional tutors who can provide me with correct academic guidance and abundant academic resources. In addition, ENS has very responsible and friendly administrative staff who have helped me a lot in my life. Also, ENS-Rennes and ECNU have a close and stable relationship. So I choose to come here as an exchange student.

What studies did you do before ? What would you like to do after ENS Rennes ?

After finishing my study in ENS Rennes, I will return to ECNU to finish my thesis. In the future, I may continue my doctoral research in France. There are many motivations for me to return to France to continue my studies, but the wonderful experience in ENS Rennes is definitely one of the most important ones.

Did you experience a culture shock when you arrived in France ?

There wasn't a lot of culture shock, the people I met were very friendly and I adapted well to life in France.

What difficulties did/do you encounter during your international experience ?

The biggest problem is probably the language, my French is not good, I am trying my best to learn French now.
Formation, International, Partenariats, Vie étudiante

Mise à jour le 12 janvier 2024